Please Help Support Your 5th Grade Class and Bryant Community
The PTSA was overjoyed that this year’s 5th graders were able to return to IslandWood camp! We have a goal of resuming activities that the pandemic paused. The return to normal has occasionally created bumps along the way–including funding for the 2022 IslandWood Camp. A lack of fundraising last year combined with the unavailability of grant funding forced the Bryant PTSA to hurriedly pay the IslandWood fees for all 5th graders this fall. To help offset that expense, the PTSA requests 5th grade caregivers donate $360/student to help cover the cost of this year’s IslandWood trip and upcoming graduation celebrations.
In typical years, preparation for camp would start in fourth grade with fundraising activities. Caregivers were expected to help pay for camp by the end of the 4th grade year. A combination of fundraising, camp grants, and PTSA support helped defray camp costs for caregivers. Some caregivers would help by donating more to support scholarships. None of these normal fundraising activities happened during the COVID-disrupted 2021-2022 school year. See below for a comparison of costs between 2019 and 2022.
Fortunately—due to the generous donations from past PTSA members—$29,195 was reallocated at the October PTSA General Membership meeting to pay for IslandWood in 2022. However, fully funding IslandWood reduced the PTSA reserve account by half. These reserves are the PTSA’s rainy-day fund and now need to be replenished. Bryant PTSA would like to receive donations of at least $14,195 to bring the effective 2022 PTSA contribution to IslandWood to $15,000.
The 5th grade cost that caregivers pay goes towards several IslandWood expenses, including transportation, teacher and chaperones attendance, student attendance (attendance fees have increased since 2019) and teacher’s coordination time. The 5th grade cost also includes expenses for upcoming end of the year graduation celebrations like the pool party and pizza party that take place in June.
| 2019 | 2022 (proposed) |
5th Grade Fundraising | $ 7,526 | $ 526 |
PTSA contribution | $ 7,000 | $ 15,000 |
Per Student contribution | $ 275 | $ 360 |
We recognize that these costs may be a burden for some caregivers. We ask that you consider the recommended per student contribution, but ultimately pay what you can. Thank you for giving back to our school!
The Bryant PTSA
Sign-up to help with 5th Grade end of the year celebrations by contacting PTSA volunteer coordinators, Maureen Bhak & Sara Blake: [email protected]