
  • 20 tickets

    20 tickets

    Tickets can be redeemed for games, activities, and most concessions. Raffle basket tickets can be purchased on the day of the Blast and are not included in this order. Admission is free.

    $10.00 ea.

  • 30 tickets

    30 tickets

    Tickets can be redeemed for games, activities, and most concessions. Raffle basket tickets can be purchased on the day of the Blast and are not included in this order. Admission is free.

    $15.00 ea.

  • 40 tickets

    40 tickets

    Tickets can be redeemed for games, activities, and most concessions. Raffle basket tickets can be purchased on the day of the Blast and are not included in this order. Admission is free.

    $20.00 ea.

  • Bryant Spirit T-Shirt

    Bryant Spirit T-Shirt

    Please check availability at the Bryant Spirit Wear Table located near the lunchroom entrance near the cathedral staircase. Only while supplies last. Purchases are non-refundable.

    $5.00 ea.

  • Bryant Spirit Sweatshirt

    Bryant Spirit Sweatshirt

    Please check availability at the Bryant Spirit Wear Table located near the lunchroom entrance near the cathedral staircase. Only while supplies last. Purchases are non-refundable.

    $10.00 ea.

Suggested Amounts

Purchases are non-refundable, and proceeds from unused tickets will be used to offset the cost of providing Blast admission and tickets to the Families in Need (FIN) program.

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